Currently available to those countries / regions:
Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Taiwan.
TouchPal Emoji Keyboard is a stock version for HTC. It’s a free emoji keyboard app for Android customers to form fleet and simple with the suitable observe prediction, over 800 emoji and emoticons, smartest auto-correction and swipe. TouchPal Emoji Keyboard is depended on by over 300 million customers at some stage within the enviornment.
Highlights of TouchPal Emoji Keyboard:
★Observe Prediction. TouchPal delivers the suitable next-observe prediction. Users form mighty faster the usage of TouchPal and uncover that it learns their phrases snappy too.
★Emoji Improve. Input Emoji & Emoticon wherever with ease like WhatsApp, Fb, Evernote, Messenger, Instagram, Snapchat.
★Hundreds of brilliant topics available .
★Auto Correction. Strongest error correction: honest spelling errors and capitalization automatically. (eg. form “android emoji keyboard” and TouchPal corrects it to “Android Emoji Keyboard”)
★Swipe. Form faster by swiping your finger from key to key.
★Privacy. We can never salvage your deepest knowledge collectively with credit ranking card and password. Your privacy will be protected effectively.
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