Scan the barcode of any product and evaluate the total most efficient prices on the Web and at nearby, native stores. We'll even lend a hand you to drop the designate at the register using the retailer's possess designate matching protection.
We’ve got the largest database of outlets, merchandise and costs including Amazon, Fully Bag, Target, Walmart and Costco.
“In the previous I've relied largely on the ShopSavvy app”
– Unusual York Cases
“ShopSavvy has turn out to be a secret weapon of forms for good buy hunters”
– The Washington Submit
“A need to believe for professional good buy hunters”
– Time
“To boot to evaluating prices, ShopSavvy makes it easy to believe objects from hold out net pages”
– The Wall Avenue Journal
“ShopSavvy was in fact one of the necessary efficient early Android applications”
– TechCrunch
We're beginning the map of returning to our roots and specializing in barcode scanning as a serious characteristic. This suggests, we're simplifying the app in so much of areas and it also plan extra of a highlight on issues fancy pricing effective/protection. There shall be many tiny incremental releases over the impending months. Query to *step by step* believe an *entirely* refreshed app by Christmas.
At the present time: Trojan horse fixes & tiny lope improvements right here and there.
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