LG Mobile Switch 4.1.30

LG Cell Switch presents you the freedom to transfer your photos, video, tune, text messages, calendar, app and additional to your fresh LG plot.

1. Who needs this app?
Every other Android™ proprietor who needs to transfer photos, videos, tune, text messages, app and additional to fresh LG plot.

2. Which plot needs this app?
Dilapidated other Android™ plot.

3. How can transfer files betweeen gadgets?
Wi-fi plot-to-plot transfer and wired OTG plot-to-plot transfer

4. What will also be transferred?
Images, video, tune, paperwork, name log, contacts, text messages, calendar, app and explain memo.

5. What is essential to transfer?
– Dilapidated Android™ plot : Android 4.1 or better
– Unusual LG plot : fresh LG plot (From LG G3 with Wi-Fi transfer, From N OS with wired transfer)

Some capabilities may perhaps perhaps well also perhaps be shrimp reckoning on extinct plot's manufacturer/mannequin.
Dilapidated LG Backup(Sender) feature.

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