Visualize the forecast, for wherever on this planet, with the uncommon Flowx weather plan and graphs. Switch your finger across the display veil to retain an eye on the forecast animation over time. Get the facts in your wants from 30+ info kinds and 16 forecast models, including GFS, GDPS, NAM, HRRR, ICON, ICON-EU, APERGE, AROME, HIRLAM, COSMO-D2, RDPS & HRDPS. Employ Flowx to position across the weather, for aviation, fishing, sailing, browsing, cycling, mountain ice climbing, photography, storm tracking or anybody infected in regards to the weather.
The Flowx advantage is forecast info shown on an interactive plan, giving you the 'fantastic image' and enabling you to care for the weather. With Flowx, you are going to need retain an eye on of the forecast info: review models and give an explanation for what the facts capability for you, so it’s most likely you’ll presumably also most entertaining conception your actions.
Flowx used to be awarded Google Play Editors’ Different: The 5 Most practical most likely Climate Forecast Apps.
Flowx Aspects:
Info Kinds: 30+ info kinds including precipitation, cloud, wind, temperature, stress, humidity, waves and more.
Info Sources – Free:
• NOAA GFS (FV3) – World
• NOAA NWW3 – World
• CMC GDPS – World
• CMC GDWPS – World
Info Sources – Professional:
• NOAA NAM – Continental USA
• NOAA HRRR – Continental USA
• NOAA HYSPLIT Smoke Info – Continental USA
• NOAA RTOFS Ocean Model – World
• DWD ICON – World
• DWD ICON-EU – Europe
• MeteoFrance ARPEGE – Europe
• MeteoFrance AROME – France
• European Consortium HIRLAM – Europe
• DWD COSMO-D2 – Germany
• CMC RDPS – Canada, USA (incl. Alaska), Greenland, Iceland
• CMC HRDPS – Canada
Procedure: exercise finger swiping to retain an eye on the forecast animation over time. Snatch loads of information layers to repeat on the plan, as an illustration precipitation and cloud layers with wind streamlines.
Graphs: peek the week’s weather forecast info at a leer. Snatch from a different of graphs and exercise the 'review aim' to peek all info sources as we drawl.
Wind Streamlines: sharp streamlines repeat wind tempo and direction.
Wavefronts: sharp wavefront traces repeat wave direction.
Widget: resize your widget to repeat loads of graphs.
10-Day Forecast: with pro model it’s most likely you’ll presumably also peek up to 10-days forecast.
3-day Hindcast: with pro model it’s most likely you’ll presumably also peek up to a pair-days ancient hindcast.
Graph Editor: with pro model it’s most likely you’ll presumably also customize your graphs by selecting info kinds.
Procedure Styles: with pro model it’s most likely you’ll presumably also capture from loads of plan alternate choices.
Slump Mode: automatically updates the forecast for wherever you are on this planet.
Offline Employ: after updating the facts, exercise the app offline to peek the forecast with out net.
Permissions: minimal permissions required.
Professional Versions: capture the pro model option that almost all neutral about suits your wants, gaze in app for well-known aspects.
Strive Flowx Currently: visualize the forecast and realize weather techniques – it’s the expedient technique to position across the weather.
* Flowx used to be beforehand is named WeatherBomb.
Join us at discussion board.flowx.io to ask questions and discuss options.
Practice us on social media:
Fb: fb.com/flowxapp
Twitter: twitter.com/flowxapp
YouTube: youtube.com/flowxapp
Enter or paste your originate notes for en-US here
Birth 3.120 (2 July 2019)
– Substantial Info: RainViewer Radar in Silver!!
– A clear thanks to our form chums at RainViewer for the facts. Strive RainViewer Professional on Google Play.
– Dazzling edit place and add RainViewer Radar info. Yay!
– Assessments write permissions to storage on delivery up.
– Fixed some bugs.
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