Be pleased a shipping rate, discover shipment space and space up your purposes wherever you are with the FedEx® Cell app. Exhaust the FedEx app to fetch hasty rates, obtain a pickup or tumble-off space, scan barcodes, and peep rewards. Join in FedEx Supply Supervisor® to customise when and where you’d fancy to obtain your purposes.
Download the FedEx app to:
• Note the space of all incoming or outgoing purposes
• Enable push notifications to fetch updates on your shipments
• Be pleased a shipment rate and assign a query to a pickup (shipping legend required)
• Join for FedEx Supply Supervisor® to:
o Withhold a equipment at a FedEx space
o Leave provide instruction for the courier
o Note for a equipment requiring your signature
o Inquire a chase withhold
• Scan a barcode for easy monitoring
• Internet a FedEx space attain you
• Get shipment cost estimates and provide instances
• Search your listing of shipments by monitoring quantity, references, distributors and more
*FedEx Supply Supervisor is most nice looking available for residential deliveries inside of the U.S. You can bag to be signed in to the FedEx app and registered for FedEx Supply Supervisor to negate chosen aspects.
Shipments created on fedex.com will robotically be added to your app shipment listing whilst you happen to are logged in.
*To maximize your skills on the FedEx Cell app enable the next permissions: Spot to search out a useful FedEx space, Digicam to scan a shipping rate and discover a equipment and push notifications to obtain notification on a equipment.
Thank you for picking the FedEx® Cell app. We update our app recurrently to add novel aspects and fetch other enhancements to beef up the worth and efficiency of the FedEx Cell app.
This free up contains:
• Worm fixes, originate enhancements, and other ongoing efficiency enhancements
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