Backgrounds HD (Wallpapers) 4.9.344

A dwelling where you should most definitely well gain backgrounds that invent your every day fun.
-OGQ Backgrounds carried out 120 million downloads globally!
-Bigger than 2.4 million customers gave ratings of 4.6 out of 5.0 and wrote critiques!
-New backgrounds along side movies, images, illustrations and watches are uploaded every day!

Four kinds of strong level of OGQ Backgrounds!
[Live watch] Behold accurate transferring watches within the background!
[Live background] Situation your background with shiny movies!
[Image] Evaluate out our images and illustrations that fit your taste!
[Gallery] Revel in our gallery made by neatly-identified creators from all over the sphere!

5 titillating parts of OGQ Backgrounds!
[Self-creator] Upload your self-made images and movies and strive promoting!
[My taste] Behold backgrounds from tags and creators on the feed!
[My likes] Click 'like' on the objects you are fond of and build in your indulge in dwelling!
[My profile] Let customers from all over the sphere in discovering out about your profile created in holding along side your taste!
[Let's enjoy] Evaluate out the backgrounds from other folks with same taste and be in contact with feedback and messages!

OGQ Backgrounds' promise!
Folks check their smartphones and tablet PCs better than dozens of times a day. That is why the backgrounds of the lock and residential display cover indulge in an well-known wanting to all of us. The backgrounds are about our liked ones, our previous commute with chums and our pets which could most definitely well maybe be companions of lifestyles. Changing backgrounds appropriate for refreshing or along side images of your approved style are with out a doubt one of many longtime behaviors we now indulge in been continuously doing.

Our backgrounds could most definitely well merely no longer be as appropriate as the images you've enraged by all of your heart. However we are able to by no methodology fail to recollect what backgrounds mean to us. We’re going to scheme all our easiest to present you with functional backgrounds every day!

✔[Required] Cause of app usage authority seeking consent sooner than installation
[WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE] : That is an authority required to permit backgrounds to be saved within the storage of the user's software.
[READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE] : That is an authority required to examine the saved backgrounds and upload the images chosen from the user's album.

✔We promise now to no longer arbitrarily build or employ the functional files of customers and We’re going to always be taking label of your valued opinions.
[email protected]

Copyright © 2011-2019 OGQ Corp., Inc. All rights reserved.
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