Primal magic bursts from the earth. Sunlight shines on secrets and ways long dormant. The Sylvani own attain home to Nore . . .
Abolish nefarious dragons with a band of legendary heroes, besiege enemy strongholds to develop your kingdom, and mission gamers around the realm to myth trusty-time battles!
• COMMAND the nascent Sylvani stride
• EXPLORE the mysteries of the Eventide Isles
• RAID dragon lairs to derive eggs and put together your hang dragon
• SUMMON dozens of mythical heroes with highly advantageous abilities
• CHOOSE from five mighty races to salvage your army
• CONTROL hundreds of warriors on a breathtaking field of fight
• CHALLENGE your buddies to thrilling trusty-time duels
• BUILD your stronghold and besiege the enemy
• DISCOVER a supreme wanting, hand-crafted continent
• DEFEAT wrong bosses and loot unfathomable rewards
• CONQUER the six kingdoms and change into Emperor of Nore
Agreeable Web set apart:aoc.lilithgames.com/en
• Hover to the used land of Drake and battle for defend watch over of Dragonar.
• Uncover the veil of historical past and originate feats of the Aristocracy.
• Loads of improvements and bug fixes.
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