From version Android Instrument Coverage 11.90.09.v26:
• Malicious program fixes
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Android Instrument Coverage helps your IT admin take your organization's knowledge stable. Your admin can use the app to take watch over security policies and settings. Exercise the Android Administration Ride ( to generate a demo code.

Android Instrument Coverage gives:
• Easy enrollment
• Gain admission to to managed Google Play
• Gain admission to to e mail and work sources

Developers, use the Android Administration API ( to take watch over devices with Android Instrument Coverage.

Permissions Judge
• Digicam: optionally former to scan QR codes for venture enrollment
• Contacts: former so as to add your work account to the plan, required for access to managed Google Play
• Cell phone: former for plan registration, to notify plan identifiers to your IT admin
• Blueprint: former to demand on hand WiFi networks, to align with IT policy and offer a fresh network if most modern configuration is broken
That you just can even opt out of optionally on the market permission requests and nonetheless use the app.
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