1. App does no longer non-public built-in music library and makes use of worn college playlist-basically based thoroughly mostly contrivance to music playback
2. App would possibly perchance perchance well works incorrectly on devices basically based thoroughly mostly on M.I.U.I or E.M.U.I firmwares.
Please, sage about all bugs into our dialogue board: www.aimp.ru/dialogue board/index.php?board=141.0 or write mail to enhance.
+ Supported formats: AAC, APE, DFF, DSF, FLAC, IT, M4A, M4B, MO3, MOD, MP3, MP3, MP4, MPC, MPGA, MTM, OGG, OPUS, S3M, TTA, UMX, WAV, WEBM, WV, XM
+ Enhance of Android Auto and customised Automobile PCs
+ Enhance of OpenSL / AudioTrack / AAudio output programs
+ Enhance of CUE Sheets
+ Steadiness retain watch over
+ Playback walk retain watch over
+ 29-band graphic equalizer
+ Sleep Timer
+ Issues: customized subject issues enhance
+ Issues: built-in light, dark and dark subject issues
+ Issues: an capability to customize theme hue
+ Issues: enhance of night time / day mode
+ Bookmarks
+ Individual outlined playback queue
+ Automatic detection of tags encoding
+ Album Arts enhance (from tags / from file folder / from the Web)
+ A pair of playlists
+ Desirable-playlists basically based thoroughly mostly on folders
+ Web radio
+ Lyrics enhance
+ HTTP Dwell Streaming
+ A skill to hideous-depart tracks
+ A skill to down mix multi-channels audio recordsdata to stereo
+ A skill to down mix audio recordsdata to mono (optional)
+ A skill to register having fun with tune as ringtone from participant
+ A skill to repeat playlist / tune / playback with out repeating
+ A skill to retain watch over playback from notification house
+ A skill to retain watch over playback thru gestures in album artwork house (optional)
+ A skill to retain watch over playback thru headset
+ A skill to interchange the tracks thru volume buttons (optional)
+ Volume normalization using replay produce or peak-basically based thoroughly mostly normalization
+ A skill to delete recordsdata bodily
+ A skill to variety recordsdata by template / manually
+ A skill to neighborhood recordsdata by template
+ A skill to search recordsdata in filtering mode
+ A skill to portion audio recordsdata
+ A skill to add to playlist only chosen recordsdata / folders
+ A skill to play recordsdata from the File Manager capabilities
+ A skill to play recordsdata from Windows shared folders (only v1 and v2 of samba protocol are supported)
+ Integration with typical lock screen
+ Widget for the desktop
+ Widget for the notification house
* the Light Grey and Murky Grey subject issues has been added
* Sorting dialog has been re-designed
– Points from incoming atomize-experiences has been mounted
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