Steam Link (BETA) 1.1.35 (arm64-v8a)

The Steam Link app brings desktop gaming to your Android machine. Factual pair a Bluetooth controller or Steam Controller to your machine, join to a pc running Steam on the same local community, and originate playing your existing Steam video games.

For easiest performance with Android TV:
* Connect your computer utilizing Ethernet to your router
* Connect your Android TV utilizing Ethernet to your router

For easiest performance with tablets and telephones:
* Connect your computer utilizing Ethernet to your 5Ghz WiFi router
* Connect your Android machine to the 5GHz band of your WiFi community
* Defend your Android machine internal an cheap vary of your router

* Mounted toughen for 5.1 surround sound
* Trackpad aim mouse mode became renamed “trackpad” and is now the default mouse mode
* Vastly improved sensitivity and usability of trackpad mouse modes
* Added the flexibility to reset structure from the contact clutch an eye on structure display cowl
* Mounted several frequent crashes, in conjunction with a shatter when binding controller
* Please say bugs and crashes right here:
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