Safe entry to to a full bunch of cars – in the event you wish it, where you wish it.
Constantly secure a vehicle in town, with out ever desirous to take one. Our car2go app permits you to revel in versatile, free-floating vehicle condo with out condo offices or return stations. Lease a car2go without extend from the road and leave it wherever in the Dwelling Dwelling for your city.
It's cars with benefits – the total perks, no strings connected. Top doubtless pay for what you utilize. Parking is for free within the Dwelling Dwelling. No prefer to reserve in attain, refuel, or pay for added insurance.
Why wait around for a hasten? Detect, reserve, and unlock your vehicle with upright the car2go app.
With the car2go app, you may possibly possibly well maybe:
• Ogle all cars readily available for your city and worldwide
• Protect cessation from a full bunch of dapper and/or Mercedes-Benz cars for your city
• Reserve a car2go for 15-20 minutes (Europe) or 30 minutes (North The United States)
• Delivery a vehicle condo and unlock the vehicle the use of upright your smartphone
• Ogle the beefy Dwelling Dwelling for your city – where you may possibly possibly well maybe park car2go for free wherever on the road
• Procure carsharing-finest parking spots for odd car2go parking
• Guide a car2go bundle to construct on the minute rate
• Use car2go in a single other car2go country
You would prefer in? Join car2go and change into one of three million car2go participants worldwide. Delivery sharing, smarter. Signing up is quick and easy the use of the app.
car2go carsharing is readily available in these cities:
• Europe: Amsterdam (100% electrical), Berlin, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Florence, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Madrid (100% electrical), Milan, Munich, Paris (100% electrical), Rome, Stuttgart (100% electrical), Turin, and Vienna
• North The United States: Austin, Calgary, Chicago, Denver, Montreal, New York Metropolis, Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, and Washington D.C.
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